Indexed Publications

In this section, we include the list of publications since 2017 with impact factor according to the JCR Impact Factor WoS. You may consult the open access version on this page


On this page, we include the list of publications of GEOMVAP since 2017. The list of publications since 2017 comes with impact factor and ranking according to the JCR Impact Factor WoS. You may consult the open access version on this page

Publications (2017-2023)


Papers accepted for publication

    1. R. Cardona, E. Miranda, D. Peralta-Salas, F. Presas
      Universality of Euler flows and flexibility of Reeb embeddings                                                             
      Advances in Mathematics, accepted for publication, 2023

  1. R. Cardona, E. Miranda and D. Peralta Salas  
    Computability and Beltrami fields in Euclidean space                                                                   
    J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 169 (2023), 50–81.

  2. M. Casanellas, M. Garrote-López, P. Zwiernik
    Robust estimation of tree structured models
    To appear in Bernoulli Journal (2022).

  3. J. Gaset , N. Román-Roy
    Symmetries and gauge symmetries in multisymplectic first and second-order Lagrangian field theories: electromagnetic and gravitational fields
    To appear in Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, (2022).

  4. P. Mir, E. Miranda and P. Nicolás                                                                        
    Hamiltonian facets of classical gauge theories on E-manifolds                                                                    
      Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical                                                                 
                                                                                   DOI 10.1088/1751-8121/acd1c6                                                                                                                                                                 

  5. P. Mir, E. Miranda and Jonathan Weitsman                                                                                                             Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization of b-symplectic toric manifolds
    To appear in Pure and applied Mathematics Quaterly, (2022). 

  6. P. Mir, E. Miranda and Baptiste Coquinot
    Singular cotangent models and complexity in fluids with dissipation 
    arXiv:2206.08872 to appear at Physica D.  

  7. R. Cardona, E. Miranda, D. Peralta-Salas
    Looking at Euler flows through a contact mirror: Universality and undecidability, to appear at Proceedings of the 8ECM



    1. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, P. Almirón, J. Moyano-Fernández
      Curve singularities with one Puiseux pair and value sets of modules over their local rings

    2. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Guàrdia, E. Nart, J. Roé
      Okutsu frames of irreducible polynomials over henselian fields

    3. J. Àlvarez Montaner, D. J. Hernández, J. Jeffries, L. Núñez-Betancourt, P. Teixeira, E. E. Witt
      Bernstein's inequality and holonomicity for certain singular rings

    4. J. Àlvarez Montaner, M. González-Villa, E. León-Cardenal, L. Núñez-Betancourt
      Bernstein-Sato polynomial and related invariants for meromorphic functions

    5. M. A. Barja
      Higher Dimensional Slope Inequalities for Irregular fibrations

    6. R. Cardona, E. Miranda, D. Peralta-Salas, F. Presas
      Universality of Euler flows and flexibility of Reeb embeddings

    7. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, J. Kock, A. Tonks
      Decomposition spaces in combinatorics

    8.  A. Matveeva, E. Miranda
      Reduction theory for singular symplectic manifolds and singular forms on moduli spaces

    9.  E. Miranda A. Planas
      Action-angle coordinates and KAM theory for singular symplectic manifolds

    10. P. Mir, E. Miranda and Pablo Nicolás
      Hamiltonian facets of classical gauge theories on E-Manifolds

    11. P. MirE. Miranda, J. Weitsman
      Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization of b-symplectic toric manifolds
    12. E. Miranda, C. Oms
      The geometry and topology of contact structures with singularities

    13. E. Echevarría-Enríquez, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, N. Román-Roy
      Connections and Jet Fields
      arXiv: 1803.10451

    14. M. Barbero, J. Cortés, D. Martín de Diego, S. Martínez, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda
      Global controllability tests for geometric hybrid control systems
      arXiv: 1905.02490

    15. M. de León, M. Lainz, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda
      Optimal control, contact dynamics and Herglotz variational problem

    16. M. de León, M. Lainz, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda
      The Herglotz principle and vakonomic dynamics

  1. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Guàrdia, E. Nart, J. Roé
    Valuative trees over valued fields
    Journal of Algebra 614 (2023), 71–114.
    Impact factor: 0.908, 181/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  2. R. Cardona, E. Miranda, D. Peralta-Salas
    Computability and Beltrami fields in Euclidean space
    Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (9) 169 (2023), 50–81.
    Impact factor: 2.282, 25/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  3. P. Mir, E. Miranda and Baptiste Coquinot
    Singular cotangent models and complexity in fluids with dissipation 
    Phys. D 446 (2023), Paper No. 133655.  

  4. M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, J. Roca-Lacostena 
    The embedding problem for Markov matrices.
    Publicacions Matemàtiques 67 (2023), no. 1, 411–445.
    Impact factor: 1.475, 72/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  1. F. Coltraro, J. Amorós, M. Alberich-Carramiñana, Carme Torras
    An Inextensible Model for Robotic Simulations of Textiles
    Applied Mathematical Modelling 101 (2022), 832–858
    Impact factor: 5.129, 8/108 Q1 Mathematics, intersdisciplinary applications 2020

  2. J. Àlvarez Montaner , D. Hernández, J. Jeffries, L. Núñez-Betancourt, P. Teixeira, E. Witt
    Bernstein-Sato functional equations, V-filtrations and multiplier ideals of direct summands
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 24, No. 10 (2022) Paper No. 2150083, 47 pp.
    Impact factor: 1.708 , 57/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  3. J. Àlvarez Montaner, L. Núñez-Betancourt
    Poincaré series of multiplier and test ideals
    Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 38, No. 6 (2022) 1993-2009.
    Impact factor: 1.457 , 73/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  4. J. Àlvarez Montaner,
    A note on Bernstein-Sato ideals
    Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 64, No. 2 (2022) 239-246
    Impact factor: 0.657 , 250/331 Q4 Mathematics 2021

  5. J. Àlvarez Montaner, J. Jeffries, L. Núñez-Betancourt
    Bernstein-Sato polynomials in commutative algebra
    Commutative Algebra, (2022), 1-76.
    Expository Papers Dedicated to David Eisenbud on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday

  6. M. A. Barja
    Slope Inequalities for fibrations of non-maximal Albanese dimension
    Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, 15, (2022), 3–15

  7. R. Cardona
    The topology of Bott integrable fluids
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 42 (2022), no. 9, 4321–4345.
    Impact factor: 1.588 , 64/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  8. R. Cardona, E.Miranda, D. Peralta-Salas 
    Turing universality of the incompressible Euler equations and a conjecture of Moore,
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022, no. 22, 18092–18109.
    Impact factor: 1.530 , 67/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  9. R. Cardona, E.Miranda  
    Integrable systems on singular symplectic manifolds: From local to global
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022, no. 24, 19565–19616.
    Impact factor: 1.530 , 67/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  10. J. de Lucas, X. Gràcia, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy, S. Vilariño
    Reduction and reconstruction of multisymplectic Lie systems
    Journal of Physics A 55 (2022), no. 29, Paper No. 295204, 34 pp.
    Impact factor: ?, / Q2 Physics 2021

  11. X. Gràcia, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy
    Skinner-Rusk formalism for k-contact systems
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 172, (2022) 104429, 24 pp.
    Impact factor: 1.380, 85/331 Q2 Mathematics 2021

  12. R. Braddell, A. Kiesenhofer, E. Miranda
    A b-symplectic slice theorem
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Q2, 2022.

  13. R. Braddell, A. Kiesenhofer, E. Miranda
    b-Structures on Lie groups and Poisson reduction
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 175, (2022), 104471, 9 pp.
    Impact factor: 1.380, 85/331 Q2 Mathematics 2021

  14. E. Miranda, C. Oms, D. Peralta-Salas,
    On the singular Weinstein conjecture and the existence of escape orbits for b-Beltrami vector fields.
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 24 (2022), no. 7, Paper No. 2150076, 25 pp
    Impact factor: 1.708 , 57/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  15. J.F. Cariñena, J.F., E. Martínez, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda
    Infinitesimal Time Reparametrisation and Its Applications
    Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (2022).
    Impact factor: 1.053 , 40/55 Q3 Physics 2020

  16. F. Planas-Vilanova
    Regular local rings of dimension four and Gorenstein syzygetic prime ideals
    Journal of Algebra, 601, (2022) 105–114
    Impact factor: 0.908, 181/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  17. A. Roig
    Up to homotopy algebras with strict units
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 226 (2022), no. 6, Paper No. 106958, 31 pp.
    Impact factor: 0.834, 200/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  18. D. Adame-Carrillo, J. Gaset, N. Román-Roy
    The second-order problem for k-presymplectic Lagrangian field theories. Application to the Einstein--Palatini model
    Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 116 20 (2022)
    Impact factor: 2.276, 26/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  1. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, A. Ferragut, J. Llibre
    Quadratic planar differential systems with algebraic limit cycles via quadratic plane Cremona maps
    Advances in Mathematics, 389, (2021), 107924
    Impact factor: 1.675, 58/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  2. M. Alberich-CarramiñanaP. AlmirónG. Blanco, A. Melle-Hernández
    The minimal Tjurina number of irreducible germs of plane curve singularities
    Indiana University Mathematics Journal 70 (4), (2021), 1211-1220.
    Impact factor: 1.059, 141/331 Q2 Mathematics 2021

  3. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, A. F. Boix, J. Fernández, J. Guàrdia, E. Nart, J. Roé
    Of limit key polynomials
    Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 65(1), (2021), 201-229.

  4. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Àlvarez Montaner, G. Blanco
    Monomial generators of complete planar ideals
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 20(3), (2021) 2150032
    Impact factor: 0.762, 224/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  5. J. Àlvarez Montaner, F. Planas-Vilanova
    Divisors of expected Jacobian type
    Mathematica Scandinavica 127,(2021) 161-184
    Impact factor: 0.347, 322/330 Q4 Mathematics 2021

  6. J. Àlvarez Montaner, F. Sohrabi
    Bass numbers of local cohomology modules of cover ideals of graphs
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 53, (2021), 263-297
    Impact factor: 0.963, 167/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  7. G. Blanco
    Yano's conjecture
    Inventiones mathematicae (2021)
    Impact factor: 3.128, 10/330 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  8. R. Braddell
    Non-existence of global transverse Poincaré sections
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 165 (2021), 104168
    Impact factor: 1.380, 85/331 Q2 Mathematics 2021

  9. R. CardonaE. Miranda, D. Peralta-Salas, F. Presas
    Constructing Turing complete Euler flows in dimension 3
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(19), (2021) e2026818118
    Impact factor: 11.205, 8/73 Q1 Multidisciplinary Sciences 2020

  10. R. Cardona
    The periodic orbit conjecture for steady Euler flows
    Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 20(52), (2021)
    Impact factor: 0.931, 176/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  11. M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Garrote-López
    Distance to the stochastic part of phylogenetic varieties
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 104 (2021), 563-682
    Impact factor: 0.847, 216/265 Q4 Applied Mathematics 2020

  12. M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Garrote-López
    SAQ: semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction method
    IEEE/ Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (2021), 18 (6), 2855-2861
    Impact factor: 3.710, 18/108 Q1 Mathematics, interdisciplinary applications)

  13. J. Elgueta
    The groupoid of finite sets is biinitial in the 2-category of rig categories
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225(11), (2021), 106738
    Impact factor: 0.834, 200/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  14. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, F. Neumann, A. Tonks
    Gabriel-Zisman Cohomology and Spectral Sequences
    Applied Categorical Structures 29, (2021) 69-94
    Impact factor: 0.713, 238/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  15. J. Gaset, X. Gràcia, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy
    A k-contact Lagrangian formulation for nonconservative field theories
    Reports on Mathematical Physics, 87, (2021), 347-368
    Impact factor: 0.742, 50/55 Q4 Mathematical Physics 2020

  16. X. Gràcia, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy
    Erratum: Constraint algorithm for singular field theories in the k-cosymplectic framework
    Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 13, (2021) 273-275.
    Impact factor: 0.875, 211/265 Q4 Applied Mathematics 2020

  17. P. MirE. Miranda
    Geometric quantization via cotangent models
    Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 11(118), (2021)
    Impact factor: 1.570, 65/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  18. E. Miranda, C. Oms
    The singular Weinstein conjecture
    Advances in Mathematics 389 (2021), Paper No. 107925.
    Impact factor: 1.675, 58/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  19. V. Guillemin, E. Miranda, J. Weitsman
    On geometric quantization of $b^m$-symplectic manifolds
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 289(1), (2021), 281-288
    Impact factor: 0.820, 205/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  20. E. Miranda, G. Scott
    The geometry of E-manifolds
    Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 37(3) (2021), 1207-1224
    Impact factor: 1.457 , 73/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  21. M. de León, J. Gaset, M. Laínz, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, N. Román-Roy
    Higher-order contact mechanics
    Annals of Physics, 425, (2021), 168396
    Impact factor: 2.730, 31/110 Q2 Multidisciplinary Physics 2020

  22. M. de León, M. Laínz, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, N. Román-Roy
    Constrained Lagrangian dissipative contact dynamics
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 62(12) (2021) 122902.
    Impact factor: 1.488, 28/55 Q3 Physics 2020

  23. F. Planas-Vilanova
    Noetherian rings of low global dimension and syzygetic prime ideals
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225(2), (2021) 106494
    Impact factor: 0.834, 200/331 Q3 Mathematics 2021

  24. N. Román-Roy
    An Overview of the Hamilton–Jacobi Theory: the Classical and Geometrical Approaches and Some Extensions and Applications
    Mathematics 9(1), (2021) 85
    Impact factor: 2.592, 22/331 Q1 Mathematics 2021

  1. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Àlvarez Montaner, F. Dachs-Cadefau, V. González-Alonso
    Multiplicities of jumping points of mixed multiplier ideals
    Revista Matemática Complutense, 33(1), (2020) 325-348
    Impact factor: 1.227, 112/330 Q2 Mathematics 2020

  2. J. Àlvarez Montaner
    Local cohomology of binomial edge ideals and their generic initial ideals
    Collectanea Mathematica 71, (2020) 331–348
    Impact factor: 0.873, 181/330 Q3 Mathematics 2020

  3. J. Àlvarez Montaner, A. F. Boix, S. Zarzuela
    On some local cohomology spectral sequences
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 19, (2020) 6197-6293
    Impact factor: 1.600, 61/330 Q1 Mathematics 2020

  4. J. Àlvarez Montaner, O. Fernández-Ramos , P. Gimenez
    Pruned cellular free resolutions of monomial ideals
    Journal of Algebra, 541, (2020) 126-145
    Impact factor: 0.890,, 178/330 Q3 Mathematics 2020

  5. J. Haro, J. Amorós, S. Pan
    Scaling solutions in quintessential inflation
    European Physical Journal C, 80(404), (2020)
    Impact factor: 4.590, 8/29 Q2 Physics, Particles & Fields 2020

  6. S. Pan, J. de Haro, W. Yang, J. Amorós
    Understanding the phenomenology of interacting dark energy scenarios and their theoretical bounds
    Physical Review D, 101, (2020), 123506
    Impact factor: 5.296, 6/29 Q1 Physics, Particles & Fields 2020

  7. M. A. Barja, R. Pardini, L. Stoppino
    Higher Dimensional Clifford-Severi equalities
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 22(8), (2020), 1950079
    Impact factor: 1.665, 59/330 Q1 Mathematics 2020

  8. M. A. Barja, R. Pardini, L. Stoppino
    Linear systems on irregular varieties
    Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 19(6), (2020) 2087-2125
    Impact factor: 1.522, 70/330 Q1 Mathematics 2020

  9. Robert Cardona
    Steady Euler flows and Beltrami fields in high dimensions
    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, (2020), 1-24
    Impact factor: 1.202, 117/330 Q2 Mathematics 2020

  10. M. Casanellas, S. Petrovic, C. Uhler
    Algebraic Statistics in Practice: Applications to Networks
    Annual Review of Statistics and its Application, 7, (2020) 227-250
    Impact factor: 5.810, 7/108 Q1 Interdisciplinary Applications Mathematics 2020

  11. M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, J. Roca-Lacostena
    Embeddability and rate identifiability of Kimura 2-parameter matrices
    Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80, (2020) 995-1019
    Impact factor: 2.259, 29/58 Q2 Mathematics & Computational Biology 2020

  12. M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, J. Roca-Lacostena
    An open set of 4x4 embeddable matrices whose principal logarithm is not a Markov generator
    Linear and multilinear Algebra (2020), online first
    Impact factor: 1.736, 54/330 Q1 Mathematics 2020

  13. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, R Kaufmann, A Tonks
    Three Hopf algebras from number theory, physics & topology, and their common background I: operadic & simplicial aspects
    Communications in Number Theory and Physics 14(1), (2020), 1-90
    Impact factor: 2.024, 37/330 Q1 Mathematics 2020

  14. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, R Kaufmann, A Tonks
    Three Hopf algebras from number theory, physics & topology, and their common background II: general categorical formulation
    Communications in Number Theory and Physics 14(1), (2020), 91-169
    Impact factor: 2.024, 37/330 Q1 Mathematics 2020

  15. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, J. Kock, A. Tonks
    Decomposition spaces and restriction species
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 21, (2020) 7558-7616
    Impact factor: 1.600, 61/330 Q1 Mathematics 2020

  16. J. Gaset, X. Gràcia, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy
    A contact geometry framework for field theories with dissipation
    Annals of Physics, 414, (2020)
    Impact factor: 2.730, 31/110 Q2 Multidisciplinary Physiscs 2020

  17. J. Gaset, X. Gràcia, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy
    New contributions to the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian contact formalisms for dissipative mechanical systems and their symmetries
    International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 17(06) (2020)
    Impact factor: 1.874, 22/55 Q2 Mathematical Physics 2020

  18. X. Gràcia, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy
    Constraint algorithm for singular field theories in the k-cosymplectic framework
    Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 12(1), (2020) 1-23
    Impact factor: 0.875, 211/265 Q4 Applied Mathematics 2020

  19. F. Barbero González, J. Margalef-Bentabol, E. Sánchez Villaseñor
    A two-sided Faulhaber-like formula involving Bernoulli polynomials
    Comptes Rendus Mathematiques, 358(1), (2020) 41-44
    Impact factor: 0.787, 218/330 Q3 Mathematics 2020

  20. P. Mir, E. Miranda
    Rigidity of cotangent lifts and integrable systems
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 157 (2020), 103847
    Impact factor: 1.249, 109/330 Q2 Mathematics 2020

  21. E. Miranda, F. Presas, R. Solha
    Geometric Quantization of almost toric manifolds
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 18(4), (2020), 1147-1168
    Impact factor: 0.707, 238/330 Q3 Mathematics 2020

  22. M. Barbero, J. Cortés, D. Martín de Diego, S. Martínez, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda
    Global controllability tests for geometric hybrid control systems
    Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 38, (2020)
    Impact factor: 6.163, 2/265 Q1 Applied Mathematics 2020

  23. M. Di Marca, G. Malara, A. Oneto
    Unexpected curves arising from special line arrangements
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 51, (2020) 171-194
    Impact factor: 0,875, 180/330 Q3 Mathematics 2020

  24. E. Carlini, M.V. Catalisano, A. Oneto
    On the Hilbert function of general fat points in P^1 x P^1
    Michigan Mathematical Journal, 69(3), (2020) 601-632
    Impact factor: 0.814, 209/330 Q3 Mathematics 2020

  25. M. V. Catalisano, A. Oneto
    Tangential varieties of Segre-Veronese surfaces are never defective
    Revista Matemàtica Complutense, 33, (2020) 295-324
    Impact factor: 1.227, 112/330 Q2 Mathematics 2020

  26. M. León, J. Gaset, M. Lainz, X. Rivas, N. Román-Roy
    Unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian Formalism for Contact Systems
    Progress of Physics, 68(8), (2020)
    Impact factor: 6.099, 11/85 Q1 Physics, Particles & Fields 2020

  27. S. Capriotti, J. Gaset, N. Román-Roy, L. Salomone
    Griffiths variational multisymplectic formulation for Lovelock gravity
    General Relativity and Gravitation, 52(74) (2020)
    Impact factor: 2.513, 38/85 Q2 Multidisciplinary Physiscs 2020

  28. N. Román-Roy
    A summary on symmetries and conserved quantities of autonomous Hamiltonian systems
    Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 12(3), (2020), 541-551
    Impact factor: 0.875, 211/265 Q4 Applied Mathematics 2020

  1. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Àlvarez Montaner, G. Blanco
    Effective computation of base points of two-dimensional ideals
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 92, (2019), 93-109
    Impact factor: 0.673, 215/261 Q4 Applied Mathematics 2019

  2. P. AlmirónG. Blanco
    A note on a question of Dimca and Greuel
    Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique , 357, (2019), 205-208
    Impact factor: 0.719,, 187/325 Q3 Mathematics 2019

  3. J. Àlvarez Montaner, A. F. Boix, S. Zarzuela
    Koszul complex over skew polynomial rings
    Communications in Algebra, 47, (2019), 2904-2919
    Impact factor: 0.556,, 239/325 Q3 Mathematics 2019

  4. J. Àlvarez Montaner
    Generating functions of Frobenius algebras
    Linear Algebra and its Applications, 582, (2019), 310-326
    Impact factor: 0.988, 115/325 Q2 Mathematics 2019

  5. J. Haro, J. Amorós, S. Pan
    The Peebles-Vilenkin quintessential inflation model revisited
    European Physical Journal C, 79(505), (2019)
    Impact factor: 4.389, 7/29 Q1 Physics, Particles & Fields 2019

  6. J. Amorós, A. Duran, M. Carrera, J. López, X. Granados
    Singular spectrum analysis filtering and Fourier inversion: an efficient and fast way to improve resolution and quality of current density maps with low-cost Hall scanning systems
    Measurement Science and Technology, 30, (2019), 015010
    Impact factor: 1.857, 43/91 Q2 Multidisciplinary Engineering 2019

  7. M. A. Barja, R. Pardini, L. Stoppino
    The eventual paracanonical map of a variety of maximal Albanese dimension
    Algebraic Geometry, 6, (2019), 1-10
    Impact factor: 1.059, 101/325 Q2 Mathematics 2019

  8. G. Blanco
    Poles of the complex zeta function of a plane curve
    Advances in Mathematics, 350, (2019) 396-439
    Impact factor: 1.494, 48/325 Q1 Mathematics 2019

  9. R. Braddell, A. Delshams, E. Miranda, C. Oms, A. Planas
    An invitation to singular symplectic geometry
    International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics , 16, (2019), 1940008
    Impact factor: 1.287, 29/55 Q3 Mathematical Physics 2019

  10. R. Cardona, E. Miranda, D. Peralta-Salas
    Euler flows and singular geometric structures
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, (2019)
    Impact factor: 3.275, 22/71 Q2 Multidisciplinary Sciences 2019

  11. R. Cardona, E. Miranda
    On the volume elements of a manifold with transverse zeroes
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 24, (2019), 187–197
    Impact factor: 1.285, 111/261 Q2 Applied Mathematics 2019

  12. V. González-Alonso, L. Stoppino, S. Torelli
    On the rank of the flat unitary summand of the Hodge bundle
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2019), 372, 8663-8677.
    Impact factor: 1.363, 60/325 Q1 Mathematics 2019

  13. X. Gràcia, J. de Lucas, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, S. Vilariño
    Multisymplectic structures and invariant tensors for Lie systems
    Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 52(21), (2019), 215201
    Impact factor: 1.996, 14/55 Q2 Mathematical Physics 2019

  14. F. Barbero González, B. Díaz, J. Margalef-Bentabol, E. Sánchez Villseñor
    Dirac's algorithm in the presence of boundaries: a practical guide to a geometric approach
    Classical and Quantum Gravity. 36 - 205014, 27/09/2019
    Impact factor: 3.071, 24/85 Q2 Multidisciplinary Physics 2019

  15. F. Barbero González, B. Díaz, J. Margalef-Bentabol, E. Sánchez Villaseñor
    Generalizations of the Pontryagin and Husain-Kucha\v{r} actions to manifolds with boundary
    Journal of High Energy Physics, 121, (2019)
    Impact factor: 5.875, 4/29 Q1 Physics, Particles & Fields 2019

  16. V. Guillemin, E. Miranda, J. Weitsman
    Desingularizing $b^m$-symplectic structures
    International Mathematics Research Notices, 10, (2019), 2981–2998
    Impact factor: 1.291, 70/325 Q1 Mathematics 2019

  17. S. Lundqvist, A. Oneto, B. Reznick, B. Shapiro
    On generic and maximal k-ranks of binary forms
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 223(5):2062-2079, (2019)
    Impact factor: 0.770, 168/325 Q3 Mathematics 2019

  18. F. Gesmundo, A. Oneto, E. Ventura
    Partially symmetric variants of Comon’s problem via simultaneous rank
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 40(4), (2019) 1453-1477
    Impact factor: 1.490, 81/261 Q2 Applied Mathematics 2019

  19. J. M. Giral, L. O'Carroll, F. Planas-Vilanova, B. Plans
    On the integral degree of integral ring extensions
    Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society , 62, (2019), 25-46
    Impact factor: 0.512, 265/325 Q4 Mathematics 2019

  20. J. Cirici, A. Roig
    Sullivan minimal models of operad algebras
    Publicacions Matemàtiques, 63, (2019), 125-154
    Impact factor: 1.238, 76/325 Q1 Mathematics 2019

  21. N. Román-Roy
    Some properties of multisymplectic manifolds
    Classical and Quantum Physics. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 229, (2019), 325-336

  22. J. Gaset, N. Román-Roy
    New multisymplectic approach to the Metric-Affine (Einstein-Palatini) action for gravity
    Journal of Geometric Mechanics 11(3) (2019) 361–396.
    Impact factor: 0.649, 218/261 Q4 Applied Mathematics 2019

  1. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Àlvarez Montaner, F. Dachs-Cadefau
    Constancy regions of mixed multiplier ideals in two-dimensional local rings with rational singularities
    Mathematische Nachrichten, 291, (2018), 245-263
    Impact factor: 0.847, 125/314 Q2 Mathematics 2018

  2. J. Àlvarez Montaner, K. Yanagawa
    Lyubeznik numbers of local rings and linear strands of graded ideals
    Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 231, (2018), 23-54
    Impact factor: 0.638,, 195/314 Q3 Mathematics 2018

  3. J. de Haro, J. Amorós
    Bouncing cosmologies via modified gravity in the ADM formalism: Application to Loop Quantum Cosmology
    Physical Review D, 97, (2018), 064014
    Impact factor: 4.368, 17/69 Q1 Astronomy & Astrophysics 2018

  4. M. A. Barja, V. González-Alonso, J.C. Naranjo del Val
    Xiao's conjecture for general fibred surfaces
    Journal für die Reine und angewandte Mathematik, 739, (2018), 297-308
    Impact factor: 1.859, 21/314 Q1 Mathematics 2018

  5. M. CasanellasJ. Fernández-SánchezM. Garrote-López
    The inertia of the symmetric approximation for low rank matrices
    Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66, (2018), 2349-2353
    Impact factor: 0.964, 102/314 Q2 Mathematics 2018

  6. M. Ruffini, M. Casanellas, R. Gavaldà
    A new spectral method for latent variable models
    Machine Learning, 107, (2018), 1431–1455
    Impact factor: 2.809, 51/134 Q2 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence 2018

  7. J. Roca-Lacostena, J. Fernández-Sánchez
    Embeddability of Kimura 3ST Markov matrices
    Journal of Theoretical Biology, 445, (2018), 128-135
    Impact factor: 1.875, 39/87 Q2 Biology 2018

  8. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, J. Kock, A. Tonks
    Decomposition spaces, incidence algebras and Möbius inversion I: basic theory
    Advances in Mathematics, 331, (2018), 952-1015
    Impact factor: 1.435, 43/313 Q1 Mathematics 2018

  9. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, J. Kock, A. Tonks
    Decomposition spaces, incidence algebras and Mobius inversion II: Completeness, length filtration, and finiteness
    Advances in Mathematics, 333, (2018), 1242-1292
    Impact factor: 1.435, 43/313 Q1 Mathematics 2018

  10. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, J. Kock, A. Tonks
    Decomposition spaces, incidence algebras and Mobius inversion III: the decomposition space of Möbius intervals
    Advances in Mathematics, 334, (2018), 544-584
    Impact factor: 1.435, 43/313 Q1 Mathematics 2018

  11. I. Gálvez-Carrillo, J. Kock, A. Tonks
    Homotopy linear algebra
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 148, (2018), 293-325
    Impact factor: 1.045, 82/314 Q2 Mathematics 2018

  12. V. Guillemin, E. Miranda, J. Weitsman
    On geometric quantization of b-symplectic manifolds
    Advances in Mathematics, 331, (2018), 941-951
    Impact factor: 1.435, 43/313 Q1 Mathematics 2018

  13. E. Miranda, A. Planas
    Classification of $b^m$-Nambu structures of top degree
    Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique , 356, (2018), 92–96
    Impact factor: 0.515, 238/310 Q4 Mathematics 2018

  14. R. Cardona, E. Miranda
    Integrable systems and closed one forms
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 131, (2018), 204–209
    Impact factor: 0.806, 143/314 Q2 Mathematics 2018

  15. V. Guillemin, E. Miranda, J. Weitsman
    Convexity of the moment map image for torus actions on $b^m$-symplectic manifolds
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376 (2018), 20170420
    Impact factor: 3.093, 18/69 Q2 Multidisciplinary Sciences 2018

  16. D. Bouloc, E. Miranda, N. Tien Zung
    Singular fibres of the Gelfand-Cetlin system on u(n)
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376 (2018), 20170423
    Impact factor: 3.093, 18/69 Q2 Multidisciplinary Sciences 2018

  17. A. Bolsinov, E. Miranda, V. Matveev, S. Tabachnikov
    Open problems, questions, and challenges in finite-dimensional integrable systems
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376 (2018), 20170430
    Impact factor: 3.093, 18/69 Q2 Multidisciplinary Sciences 2018

  18. E. Miranda, A. Planas
    Equivariant classification of $b^m$-symplectic surfaces
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 23, (2018), 355–371
    Impact factor: 0.933, 155/254 Q3 Applied Mathematics 2018

  19. D. Martínez-Torres, E. Miranda
    Zeroth Poisson homology, foliated cohomology and perfect Poisson manifolds
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 23, (2018), 47–53
    Impact factor: 0.933, 155/254 Q3 Applied Mathematics 2018

  20. M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda
    On some aspects of the geometry of non integrable distributions and applications
    Journal of Geometric Mechanics 10(4) (2018) 445–465.
    Impact factor: 0.525, 233/254 Q4 Applied Mathematics 2018

  21. A. Echeverría-Enríquez, J. Marín-Solano, M. C. Muñoz-Lecanda, N. Román-Roy
    Remarks on multisymplectic reduction
    Reports on Mathematical Physics, 81(3), (2018), 415-424
    Impact factor: 0.989, 37/55 Q3 Mathematical Physics 2018

  22. A. Oneto, A. Petracci
    On the quantum periods of del Pezzo surfaces with ⅓(1,1) singularities
    Advances in Geometry, 18(3), (2018), 303-336
    Impact factor: 0.789, 148/314 Q2 Mathematics 2018

  23. L. O'Carroll, F. Planas-Vilanova
    Minimal free resolutions of lattice ideals of digraphs
    Algebraic Combinatorics, 1, (2018), 283-326

  24. J. Gaset, N. Román-Roy
    Multisymplectic unified formalism for Einstein-Hilbert Gravity
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 59(3) (2018) 032502
    Impact factor: 1.355, 26/55 Q2 Mathematical Physics 2018

  1. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, J. Àlvarez Montaner, F. Dachs-Cadefau, V. González-Alonso
    Poincaré series of multiplier ideals in two-dimensional local rings with rational singularities
    Advances in Mathematics, 304, (2017), 769-792
    Impact factor: 1.372, 33/310 Q1 Mathematics 2017

  2. M. Alberich-Carramiñana, B. Elizalde, F. Thomas
    New algebraic conditions for the identification of the relative position of two coplanar ellipses
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 54, (2017), 35-48
    Impact factor: 1.522, 58/252 Q1 Applied Mathematics 2017

  3. J. Àlvarez Montaner, C.Huneke, L.Núñez-Betancourt
    D-modules, Bernstein-Sato polynomials and F-invariants of direct summands
    Advances in Mathematics, 321, (2017), 298-325
    Impact factor: 1.372, 33/310 Q1 Mathematics 2017

  4. L. Aresté Saló, J. Amorós, J. Haro
    Qualitative study in Loop Quantum Cosmology
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, 34, (2017), 235001
    Impact factor: 3.283, 13/78 Q1 Multidisciplinary Physics 2017

  5. J. Haro, J. Amorós, L. Aresté Saló
    The matter-ekpyrotic bounce scenario in Loop Quantum Cosmology
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 9, (2017), 002
    Impact factor: 5.126, 13/66 Q1 Astronomy & Astrophysics 2017

  6. M. Casanellas, J. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Michalek
    Local equations for equivariant models
    Advances in Mathematics, 315, (2017), 285-323
    Impact factor: 1.372, 33/310 Q1 Mathematics 2017

  7. M. Casanellas, M. Steel
    Phylogenetic mixtures and linear invariants for equal input models
    Journal of Mathematical Biology , 74, (2017), 1107-1138
    Impact factor: 1.786, 26/59 Q2 Mathematics & Computational Biology 2017

  8. A. A. Matveeva, V. A. Poberezhny
    Two-dimensional Riemann problem for rigid representations on an elliptic curve
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 114 (2017), 384-393
    Impact factor: 0.712, 151/310 Q2 Mathematics 2017

  9. A. Kiesenhofer, E. Miranda
    Cotangent models for integrable systems
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 350, (2017), 1123-1145
    Impact factor: 2.338, 6/55 Q1 Mathematical Physics 2017

  10. C. Esposito, E. Miranda
    Rigidity of infinitesimal momentum maps
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, 219, (2017), 757-781
    Impact factor: 0.744,, 135/310 Q2 Mathematics 2019

  11. D. Martínez-Torres, E. Miranda
    Weakly Hamilltonian actions
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 115, (2017), 131-138
    Impact factor: 0.712, 151/310 Q2 Mathematics 2017

  12. A. Delshams, A. Kiesenhofer, E. Miranda
    Examples of integrable and non-integrable systems on singular symplectic manifolds
    Journal of Geometry and Physics, 115, (2017), 89-97
    Impact factor: 0.712, 151/310 Q2 Mathematics 2017

  13. P. Frejlich, D. Martínez-Torres, E. Miranda
    A note on the symplectic topology of b-manifolds
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 15, (2017), 719-739
    Impact factor: 0.541, 226/310 Q3 Mathematics 2017

  14. V. Guillemin, E. Miranda, A. R. Pires, G. Scott
    Convexity for Hamiltonian torus actions on b-symplectic manifolds
    Mathematical Research Letters, 24, (2017), 363-377
    Impact factor: 0.645, 179/310 Q3 Mathematics 2017

  15. E. Carlini, M. V. Catalisano, A. Oneto
    Waring loci and Strassen conjecture
    Advances in Mathematics, 314, (2017), 630-662
    Impact factor: 1.372, 33/310 Q1 Mathematics 2017

  16. M. V. Catalisano, L. Chiantini, A. V. Geramita, A. Oneto
    Waring-like decompositions of polynomials, 1
    Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 533:311-325, (2017)
    Impact factor: 0.972, 77/310 Q2 Mathematics 2017

  17. E. Carlini, M. Kummer, A. Oneto, E. Ventura
    On the real rank of monomials
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 286(1-2):571-577, (2017)
    Impact factor: 0.874, 103/310 Q2 Mathematics 2017

  18. B. Plans
    On Noether's rationality problem for cyclic groups over Q
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 145(6), (2017), 2407-2409
    Impact factor: 0.707, 154/310 Q2 Mathematics 2017

  19. B. Rodríguez González , A. Roig,
    Godement resolution and operad sheaf homotopy theory
    Collectanea Mathematica , 68, (2017), 301-321
    Impact factor: 1.035, 64/310 Q1 Mathematics 2017

  20. M. de León, P. D. Prieto-Martínez, N. Román-Roy, S. Vilariño
     Hamilton-Jacobi theory in multisymplectic classical field theories.
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58(9), (2017), 092901
    Impact factor: 1.165, 31/55 Q3 Mathematical Physics 2017