

Our current project continues the geometric study of algebraic, symplectic and arithmetic varieties (2017SGR932, MTM2015-69135-P, MTM2014-54855-P, DGICYT PS90-0069, PB93-0790, PB96-0234, BFM2000-0799, BFM2003-06001, BFM2003-02914,  DGI MTM2006-14234, MTM2012-38122-C03/FEDER) as well as its applications to Robotics, Computational Biology and Materials Science started in the last project. 

Our research is financed by the current projects

  • The research project Geometría, Álgebra, Topología y Aplicaciones Multidisciplinares with code PID2019-103849GB-I00.
  • The research project Geometría-Física-Control y Aplicaciones with code PGC2018-098265-B-C33.